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Jorge Guevara, Kevin Schrader, Justin Cavanas


The starting point of the Blind Dance research, was to create a vest-haptic-wearable device that could allow a blind person to experience dance. 

The project offers an immersive dance experience using wireless communication. 

With one device the dancer provides the input. A vest-elasticSensor-wearable 

With a second device the public receives the output. A vest-haptic-wearable that emulate with motors the movements of the back of the dancer.       


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Arduino code

This is the code for the Arduino that we made in order to have an output from the Myoware muscle sensor.

const int sensorPin = A3; const int minVal = 150; const int medVal = 300; const int highVal = 600; int ledRed (9); int ledYellow (6); int ledGreen (5); int state;

void setup() { pinMode(ledRed, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledYellow, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledGreen, OUTPUT);

Serial.begin(9600); }

void loop() {

Serial.print("ValueA3_"); // signal value - input ANALOGE

Serial.print(analogRead("A3")); Serial.println();

int sensorVal = analogRead(sensorPin);

if ( sensorVal > minVal && sensorVal < medVal) { digitalWrite(ledRed, HIGH); digitalWrite(ledYellow, LOW); digitalWrite(ledGreen, LOW);// output red light light Serial.println("RED"); }

else if (sensorVal > medVal && sensorVal < highVal) { digitalWrite(ledYellow, HIGH);// YELLOW digitalWrite(ledRed, LOW); digitalWrite(ledGreen, LOW); Serial.println("YELLOW");

} else if (sensorVal > highVal)

{ digitalWrite(ledGreen, HIGH); digitalWrite(ledRed, LOW); digitalWrite(ledYellow, LOW); Serial.println("GREEN"); } //

// BLINKING LIGHTS /// else { // { // digitalWrite(ledRed, HIGH); // digitalWrite(ledYellow, HIGH); // digitalWrite(ledGreen, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level) // delay(70); // wait for a second // digitalWrite(ledRed, LOW); // digitalWrite(ledYellow, LOW); // digitalWrite(ledGreen, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW // delay(70); // wait for a second // }

delay(1000); }


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